Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Final Blog/Essay

Thesis:During my time doing the social media diaries I have learned a great deal about the way the people judge and asses each other using stereotypes. This method should never be used because stereotypes are often negative and hurtful toward others.

A stereotype is a widely held image of a certain race or ethnicity that is usually based on some half - truth. Stereotypes are a powerful influence on how people think of each other. Throughout the media, stereotypes are portrayed in a wide variety of ways. The media uses negative stereotypes to portray their characters whether in a movie or in a t.v show. Millions of people think that the way the characters are being portrayed in media is the actual way that they are. Facing these stereotypes a step into abolishing negative stereotypes.

Everyone faces stereotypes and their harsh effects. In the media, certain groups are targeted and used more than others. In my research, I have found that the African American community is and has been targeted by the media throughout the centuries. In the beginning of American Media, African American characters were represented as lazy, unintelligent, and violent. They were depicted as having unkempt hair, and a wide grin. This helped bring the detrimental stereotype of African Americans to the United States. Another representation of the African American stereotype was Sambo. Sambo was also seen as a docile but lazy servant to their white masters. White slave owners used this image to broadcast it throughout America. Many people took this picture of Sambo as fact and thought of every other African American as Sambo. These stereotypes are only some of the many ways that stereotypes intrude on the way we look at another and there are many ways to stop it.

There are many ways of dealing with the negative stereotypes that are in the media today. Just because one person has certain features or acts in a certain way doesn’t mean that all the people that are in that race or ethnicity act that same way. Stereotypes are actions that every race and ethnicity have but just certain traits are heightened to each race. For example, Jews are seen as thrifty and economical when not all Jews are cheap. In fact, I know of few Jews that are cheap. Another example is that Asians are geniuses. This is not true either. It is true that some Asians are smart, but not all of them are. In every race their are people that are cheap, smart, unintelligent, good looking, ugly looking, etc. That doesn't mean that all people act that way as well. The fist step to destroying negative stereotypes is to take it upon yourself to forget these stereotypes and judge each person by what you know they have done, not by the things that their race has done. If this is done correctly and efficiently, stereotypes will have no power whatsoever and the negative way that people look on another will be ruined.

Regardless of a persons race and ethnicity, people should be judged on their actions rather than be judged by what people of the same ethnic background have done. Advertisement agencies still don’t understand the power and influence that they have over people and they can change the world for the better by decimating the stereotypes that are used in the media. 

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